
Photos from the previous weekend

Although my own camera is out of commission (and I haven’t yet had a chance to go camera shopping), Paul’s been busy snapping up photos of our activities.

He took shots of our fun with fireworks on Victoria Day. It started as a simple outing with me, him, Deenster and Chris, but we kept running into friends on the street, who joined us Sesame Street-style (“Hey, where are you going?” “We’re going to the park to light fireworks!” “Cool! Can we come along?” “Sure!” “Yaaaaay!”).

Photo: Waving sparklers in Trinity Bellwoods Park.

Fire never loses its appeal. There’s nothing like a giant backpack of fireworks to turn you into a kid again. Click the picture to see the whole set of photos.

We also saw The Matrix: Reloaded that weekend. Geeks that we are, we stipulated that if you wanted to watch it with us, you had to wear all black clothing, preferably in a style that fits the movie. Seeing as I would be coming to the theatre straight from a job interview, I decided to dress as an agent…

Photo: Grace, me and Stephanie, dressed up to see The Matrix: Reloaded.

Whoa. That’s my sister-in-law Grace, me and Stephanie, after having seen The Matrix: Reloaded. C’mon Wachowski Brothers, can’t you see a bit part for me as the slick accordion-playing Keymaker 2.0? Click the picture to see the whole set of photos.

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