It Happened to Me

I’m all over the W network

Somehow I get the feeling that most of you aren’t regular viewers of the W Network. However, I’m going to plug it because you’re going to see a lot of me on it for the next little while.

A little while back, the producers of the show Living Romance shot a sequence of me attempting to woo women on Queen Street West (a bohemian boutique-y street in my neighbourhood, deep in the heart of Accordion City) armed only with my accordion and my wit. That sequence was shown in last night’s episode and is also used in the promos for the show during commerical breaks.

At the risk of sounding immodest (which I’ll admit happens reasonably often), I was on. I looked pretty sharp and my ad-libs were killer. Several viewings of the tape later, I still think damn, he’s suave, every time I watch it.

You’ve got one more shot at catching the accordion schmooveness — check out W Network on Sunday at 1:00 p.m..

(I’ll get the segment digitized and find a place to put it online.)

One reply on “I’m all over the W network”

What locales are you featured at in the show? Since I don’t get the W Network you’re gonna have to give me some spoilers.

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