
On tap this week

  • More Blogware help files. More instructions on how to use Blogware are currently in the “almost ready to commit to a web page” state. If you’re a Blogware user (or thinking of becoming one), there’ll be lots of new help files to check out this week.
  • A blog entry about Lizapalooza. I finally got to meet mamamusings!
  • Getting my ass back to the gym. I’ve slacked off for three weeks, and that’s bad. Weight room, here I come…
  • Sending our invitations for the birthday party. I’d already done that by this time last year, but I was unemployed back then. At least this time I won’t have to play extra accordion to raise money for booze and food for the party…
  • Kick Ass Karaoke at the Bovine Sex Club this Wednesday. I think I need to check the list (122K text link) and find some new songs to add to the accordion-plus-karaoke repertoire.
  • Q & A with Neal Stephenson this Thursday! Yup — Space’s (Canada’s sci-fi channel) programing director and my friend Mark Askwith hosts a Q & A with Neal Stephenson, author of Quicksilver, Cryptonomicon, The Diamond Age and Snow Crash. Don’t you wish you lived here in Accordion City?
  • Without a doubt, there will be some sort of girl-chasing activity. Haven’t figured out what it is yet, but this is the sort of thing that single guys with accordions do.

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