
It’s Catmas 2007!

It’s the first Friday of October, which means once again, it’s Catmas!

“It’s Catmas!”: Man and cat looking at each other and screaming

Back in 2003, Ross and I declared that the first Friday of every October should be a day when people indulge in that most “bloggy” of activities, posting a picture of a cat on your blog. Last October, we gave Catmas its own site at, a domain name as an example name in Tucows documentation.

Have a great Catmas, everyone, and if you’ve got a blog and some cat photos handy, you know what to do…

7 replies on “It’s Catmas 2007!”

I’ve participated for the first time in Catmas ! I knew about it since you invented it, but I always forgot … unitl this year ! Thank you for inventing this most sacred of holidays !!

Does that make today Catboxing Day in the British Isles? Because we just bought a lot of gifts for the cat in anticipation of taking him to be churched tomorrow at the annual Pet Blessing. Riley now owns a snazzy Nicole Miller carrier, harness, and leash and is ready to travel in style.

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