
213 things that Skippy is no longer allowed to do in the US Army [Updated]

Update: Fixed the broken link!

Sergeant Shawn Standford of Avalanche Company (Company

A, 2nd Battalion, 103rd Armor, Pennsylvania Army National Guard) writes

about a one SPC (that short for “Specialist”) Schwarz, a.k.a. “Skippy”

and his list of things that he is no longer allowed to do — presumably, after having done them and being disciplined.

Apparently, one of the 213 things he is no longer allowed to do is to “Go to [Fort] Bragg boulevard and shake daddies little money maker for twenties stuffed into my undies.”

If I ever have to assemble a crack team of misfits and goofballs whose mission is to save the world, Skippy’s on my list.

3 replies on “213 things that Skippy is no longer allowed to do in the US Army [Updated]”

Joey, my dear, why are you assuming that the original Skippy was male? When I read the first back in 2002 it was obviously written by a woman.

I assumed “he” because the author of the blog entry I pointed said “he”. Mind you, the author could be wrong.

My curiosity is piqued now: what cues in the writing make it obvious to you that Specialist Skippy is a woman?

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