
Vote for Boss Ross

The Boss.

Boss Ross is running for a position on the board of CIRA,

the Canadian Internet Registration Authority. CIRA operates the .ca (as

in Canada) country code top level domain — that is, if you own or are

buying a .ca domain, you’re dealing with them either directly or


Why is he doing this? It’s definitely not for fame and fortune:


want to do this for one simple reason – its important to me to

make a contribution to Canada’s local internet. I’ve spent the last 15

years of my online life working on international projects, ICANN,

Tucows and so on. Working on more local projects is something that I

want to devote more time to, and I can’t think of a better place to

start. Canada is a world-leader as far as the internet is concerned.

CIRA sits at the front of Canada’s internet. What is benefits CIRA,

benefits Canada – which leads to a strong global internet.


in our respective backyards is a great way to make sure that

tomorrow’s internet holds the same promise as the internet we all

benefit from today.

If you own a .ca domain name, you are a member of CIRA and are

eliglible to nominate Ross for the position. Frankly — and this is

only just a little bit of sucking up to the boss — I can’t think of

anyone more qualified to sit on the board.Just look at the guy’s

internet governance credentials:

  • Active in the formation leading to CAIP, Canadian Association of

    Internet Service Providers as one of the founding directors of RISC.

  • Member of IAHC, a predecessor organization that lead to the formation of ICANN.
  • Past-member of ICANN’s General Assembly
  • Active member of ICANN’s Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO)
  • Current constituency representative to ICANN’s GNSO Council
  • Highly involved in several internet and ICANN working groups

    dealing with specific policy and technical issues including Whois data

    protection, registration portability and equivalent access.

And let’s not forget that he’s also Director of Research and Innovation for Tucows, Inc, registrar for over 4 million domain names — one in ten top-level general top-level domain named is registered through us.

Simply put, Ross knows his stuff.

If you have a .ca domain name, nominate Ross!

3 replies on “Vote for Boss Ross”

I’m flattered Joey – thanks for the plug 😉

Could you do me one favor though? Could you use this picture instead? Its more of a “governance” suitable shot than the one you used…

So that is what that email from the CIRA was all about LOL I’ll have to go and re-read it now.

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