Music Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

This Weekend: "Top Gun! The Musical"

Colin Viebrock, whom I know through PHP development and other professional channels has an interesting non-programming project: he’s the director of Top Gun! The Musical.

Here’s a quick synopsis from the Top Gun! The Musical site:

Singing. Satire. Subtext. All at Mach 3! If you see only one musical

comedy about mounting a mega-musical based on the movie Top Gun, make

it Top Gun! The Musical. You’ll laugh. You’ll hum. You’ll believe

a jet can fly!

For anyone who’s ever cringed through Cats, felt the need for speed, or

wondered “who thought that would be a good idea?”, comes this

new satirical musical. Writer Billy Palmer is about to crash and burn.

His musical adaptation of Top Gun is going off the rails and he really

needs a hit … especially after the debacle of Apocalypse Wow!

Instead, he’s saddled with a quarrelling cast, a shady ex-Navy SEAL

producer, and a bit of bad luck. Now if only everyone would stop singing!

Although Top Gun! The Musical has received plenty of critical acclaim

and good “word-of-mouth”, I never got it together to actually go catch

a show…until now. Colin informs me that they’ve been invited to

perform at the first annual New York Musical Festival, and they’ll be doing a couple of perfomances this weekend in order to warm up for the New York shows. You can see Top Gun! The Musical at the Robert Gill Theatre (214 College Street

at St. George Street — 3rd floor, enter off of St. George Street) this

Friday and Saturday. Both performances start at 8:00 p.m. and tickets

are $20.00.

I’m thinking of catching the Friday performance. Who wants to be my wingmen?

Bonus trivia link: Top Gun quotes!

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