In the News

Our Pro-Bush Contingent Can’t Draw a Crowd, Didn’t Learn from "Star Wars" and are Cheapskates

[via Relapsed Catholic] Here’s a breathless writeup of a pro-Bush rally organized by the unintentionally funny site (“Show up and be counted”, the banner ad for the rally says).

Judging from the photos, I think I get more people at my birthday parties, and I’m not a world leader. Yet.

Photo: Pro-Bush rally outside Ottawa.

A funny moment: The “Queen Amidala Decoy” trick actually works in real life!

Finally, the big moment — the fake Bush came through with his

motorcade and we cheered, not quite certain if this was the real thing.

Fortunately, the Secret Service intervened and held us back, at which

point everything clicked for those of us who weren’t certain. In

hindsight, it seemed a little strange that the President was driving

his own cadillac.

In addition to being unlikely to solve quadratic equations anytime soon, they’re also bad hosts:

Also unlike the anti-Bush rally, we outnumbered the Americans by about

10 to 1 at our pro-Bush rally. Nevertheless, the Americans who showed

up displayed the class as the President — after the pre-rally, they

approached each of us Canadians and personally thanked us for giving

the President a warm welcome. (They also showed American hospitality

when, despite our protests we should treat them as our guests, they

picked up the tab for coffee and donuts at Tim Horton’s between the

pre-rally and the rally.)

Yup, despite outnumbering the guests 10 to 1 and being more likely to

have the local currency on hand, the FreeDominioners completely fell

down and let the visitors

pay for coffee. The poltical right, in spite of the fun I poke at

them, are generally much better with the social graces than their

cousins on the left, but ours completely fell down on the rules of

hospitality while the Americans went above and beyond the rules of comity. We’re not talking chateaubriand-and-claret dinners here, folks, but coffee! No wonder we Canadians have a rep for being bad tippers.

5 replies on “Our Pro-Bush Contingent Can’t Draw a Crowd, Didn’t Learn from "Star Wars" and are Cheapskates”

Thanks for the pointer to Cory’s piece, sir! I’m also interested in hearing your take on Mr. Berton’s life and work… you and I have some very similar life experiences (well, once you arrived on our fair shores) and are of the same age. I don’t always agree with or share your opinions, but I’m always interested to read your next entry.

Oh, and incidentally, thank you so much for the Lupo video. On that particular piece, you and I are in STRONG agreement. 🙂



Sounds like someone is jealous of the people who met the President. Guess those pro-terrorist freaks on parliament hill didn’t have any impact at all.

No, someone merely knows etiquette and how to put on a proper greeting for a dignitary,

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