
Happy Chanukah!

Animation: Spinning dreidel.

Chanukah started last night at sundown, so happy Chanukah to all my Jewish homies and a double-happy Chanukah to Wendy! (I’m having Chanukah brunch at her parents’ place on Sunday.)

Don’t know what Chanukah is? Read this comic, Is It the Jewish Christmas? complete with special appearance by Judah Maccabee, the original Hebrew Hammer!

In case you missed ’em, you can download Adam Sandler’s Chanukah Song (parts 1 and 2) from this entry.

I like Philip Greenspun’s pronounciation of the holiday best: “chuh-NOO-kah”.

In celebration, may I direct you to this Chanukah-ized remix of Outkast’s Hey Ya? My favourite bit: the “shake it” break, which they turned into:







…and a kosherized pickle!

One reply on “Happy Chanukah!”

thanks for the post, the wishes, and the song links (both this year’s and last year’s. Happy Holidays to you, too.

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