
Get Well Soon, Chris

My friend and fellow DJ from Clark Hall Pub at Crazy Go Nuts University, Chris “Planet Simpson” Turner, has had a rough weekend. His wife, Ashley Bristowe — also a friend of mine from Crazy Go Nuts University — writes that they had to put down their dog, Pony, after she viciously attacked Chris.

Poor Chris required 40 stitches to his face, and it was decided then

and there that she had to be put down, especially with a baby due very


It was a difficult choice and it must’ve been hard on them, but it was

the right one. Hang tough, guys, and get well soon, Chris.

One reply on “Get Well Soon, Chris”

It’s horrible that that had to happen, but the thing is that dogs aren’t human, and we shouldn’t expect them to be – which is where a lot of the shock of this is coming from.

Our own family dog has some ‘behaviour issues’ of his own, most of which stemmed from us treating him like we would treat a fellow human (snapping back at him when he snapped at us, etc.). We changed our behaviour, and he calmed down accordingly. The difference between our situation and this one is that our dog always gives some warning when he’s not in a good mood, which leads me to believe that the issue here isn’t so much behavioural as it is a mental illness, maybe?

Anywho, I’m rambling. I just love dogs and I hate to see them misunderstood. I also hate to see loving owners have to go through such an ordeal. I hope your friend Chris gets well soon.

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