
Happy Fun Creative Contest: Make a Conservative Counterpart to this "Liberal Agenda"

Thanks to everyone for helping me troubleshoot my RSS feed. I wasn’t expecting so many responses!

However, all those responses suggest that a number of you are actually here for some actual reading material

as opposed to calls for debugging assistance. That’ll have to wait

until later this evening; I’m working on a number of ambitious projects

that have kept me too busy to blog at work (which The Powers That Be here don’t mind, as long as it’s within reason).

In the meantime, here’s a chance for you to give your powers of

creativity a workout. Consider this page from a “Liberal Agenda”…

Hmmm….shouldn’t there be something scheduled for 4:20?

What items would appear on its counterpart, the “Conservative Agenda”? Post your ideas in the comments.

(And come to think of it, as this person

put it, why doesn’t the agenda above simply book the entire day under

the item “Serve as the critical half of a fake dichotomy?”)

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