
Solutions Architect Seeks Employment

I’m giving Michael Kalus, a regular reader and commenter on this blog, a hand.

If you’re looking for a Solutions Architect who’s worked as:

  • An architect at Telus for Accenture where he was:
    • Lead architect for the IT Governance Center
    • Lean architect for the Borland CaliberRM
    • Application architect for the iWay Server
    • Architect for SMIS
  • Solutions architect / Capacity planner for Rogers Shared Services (now Rogers Shared Operations)
  • Solutions architect / Senior Unix engineer for Research in Motion
  • Senior Unix architect / Systems engineer for Bell ExpressVu
  • Infrastructure architect / Systems engineer for Opensoft

…then he just might fit the bill! If you’re hiring and the list above has piqued your interest, here’s his resume [74K, Word document].

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