
How ‘Bout a Meetup in San Francisco?

(I posted this to The Farm, but there are a fair number of techie readers of this blog, so I’m repeating it here.)

Hey, Bay Area folk!

Wanna get together and talk tech and other things with me and the boss

in February?


Ross and I will be attending the Evans Data Developer Relations

Conference in San Francisco. The conference

takes place on Monday, Fenbruary 6th and Tuesday, February 7th, but

we’re going to arrive early enough on Sunday to hold a meetup on the

evening of Sunday, February

5th. If you’re interested, drop me a line via email or in the


The conference is going to be held at the

Argent Hotel in


Square, and Ross and I will stay someplace near there. It’s

been a while since I lived in San Francisco (when I did developer

relations for OpenCola back in 2000/2001, so if any of you SFO locals

have suggestions for where to hold the meetup, let me know — once

again, email or in

the comments is fine.

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