It Happened to Me

Help Me Get the Video Out There!

Hey, readers! I’ve got a 90-odd megabyte video file of Sam Bulte and the other candidates being asked to take Michael Geist’s “Copyright Pledge”

at last night’s all-candidates meeting. The problem is that I haven’t

got any video editing or compression software handy at the moment.

Here’s a link to the place where I’ve got the video temporarily stored:

If you can edit it to just get the question and Sam Bulte’s response

and compress it down to something 15MB or less, grab it and do so! Then

let me know in the comments or via email and I’ll post it here.

5 replies on “Help Me Get the Video Out There!”

Hi Joey,

I have cut it the way you wanted and made it iPod ready. Sending it right now as we speak, weights in in just under 9 MB.

I am also putting it up on YouTube. Link to follow as soon as it is live there.

Oh that was pretty easy: Quicktime Pro 🙂

The first go at it with “full quality” yielded a 33MB file though (that’s the one I put up on YouTube) and the iPod version came out with ~9MB.

Took me longer to actually push it through the network(s) than it took me to cut and paste / recompress it.

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