
Hairy Pitter and the Big 1970s Comeback

“The economy may be in recession,” writes the site for FHM, the companion to the men’s magazine, “but there’s plenty of growth out there in the UK at the moment. The bad news is that it’s all under girls’ arms.

This in reference to a recent appearance by research student Emer O’Toole, who came to the conclusion 18 months ago that shaving conforms to artificial gender norms. I’ve posted the appearance below:

While it’s not my preferred style, hairy armpits on a woman has never been a dealbreaker for me — but then again, I’ve made out with my share of hippie-chick types. What do you think?

3 replies on “Hairy Pitter and the Big 1970s Comeback”

Observation: her eyebrows appear to be fairly well sculpted.

People should absolutely feel comfortable in their bodies. They should also feel comfortable changing them (through diet, exercise, grooming, adornment, and modification) if they want to. Different people will draw the lines at different places, and that’s fine. As long as this is from that perspective — freedom and non-coerciveness — go for it (or rather, and I apologize in advance: “grow for it”). What I don’t buy is the sometimes offered “natural is best” argument. No. Dying at 28 from a burst appendix is natural.

I haven’t shaved my legs or underarms in over a decade. I just like having hair in those places. Hasn’t been an issue with anyone I’ve dated, but then I do tend to attract certain types of people.

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