
Bits and Pieces

That didn’t come out right

During the commercial breaks for the CBC mini-series dishing the dirt on the life of former prime minister Pierre Trudeau, a voice-over announced: “This show has been brought to you by Canadian cheese.”

And while I’m on the Trudeau mini-series…

…could we please revoke the law that says that uber-nebbish Don McKellar

has to appear in every TV series and movie made in Anglophone Canada?

His range of expression seems to run the gamut from A

to…A-and-a-half. As a guy with interesting things to say, he’s pretty

cool, but as an actor, he is less interesting that most trout I have


Now if we can only get the majorettes to wear these big red codpieces…

I found this pretty cool version of Word Up [1.5MB MP3] that was performed by a high school marching band.

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