
Do You Remember Canada Trust’s “Johnnycash” ATMs?

johnnycashBack when there was a Canada Trust — it’s long since been absorbed by TD Bank — their first ATMs were called “Johnnycash” and were endorsed by The Man in Black himself. I’ll admit that I got a Canada Trust account just so I could use these things (hey, I was still a teenager then).

If it seems strange for a bank to advertise ATMs, you have to remember that this was circa 1985, when they were still relatively new (especially outside the US).

4 replies on “Do You Remember Canada Trust’s “Johnnycash” ATMs?”

Canada Trust had cardboard cutouts of Johnny Cash in the branches to promote the ATMs.
I remember a Johnny Cash concert at Ontario Place when it still had a revolving stage. Some audience member near the stage brought one of the cardboard cutouts and held it up as the stage revolved towards him. Johnny Cash almost had to stop singing as he was laughing so hard. Apologies that I don’t recall what song they were singing …

They test ran them in London, Ontario in 1979. We had one of the first ones in Student Centre at UWO.

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