
Slut School fact check

My friend Will McLean — the other half of our little Asian Gang called, surprising enough, “Asian Gang”, sets me straight on the history of Slut School. Because an institution called Slut School needs to have its history properly recounted, right?

Slut School’s latest DJ event, Big Booty Hoes and Sluts Too, takes place tonight at the I-V lounge. Details are here. I’ll be there because I’m that kind of guy.

Will writes:

Hey there Big boss, just a few corrections for your amazing recent updates:

When asked where Eva and their crew were going that night, Eva said “Just out to a club,” to which her mother replied “Looks like you’re going to Slut School to me!”

And thus Slut School got its name.

Slut School’s Founding members are actually friends of mine from Toronto. We didin’t go to high school together. Dorian and I did but I was introduced to the girls by an ex-girlfriend. The Deans of Slut School are Cathy “Madcrazy” Marchese, Eva “Purple” Haze and Crystal “the nice one, you know, with the boobs” Bevinspotto.

So is that Crystal in the poster? Inquiring accordion-playing minds want to know!

Graduates include Lisa, Cheralynn, Marta, Jazzna, Dorian, myself and Darcy. That is not the complete list but you get the gist, eh?

By the bye, loved the photos of Slut School. Quite nice.

Glad you liked ’em, Will, and I hope that all you readers out there in InterWebLand liked ’em too.

And they tried to tell me that computer programmers never meet girls. Liars!

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