
The MuchMusic appearance (preview)

I’ve got to do a little work first, so I’ll flesh out this entry with the story a little bit later on today. In the meantime you can take a look at these stills from yesterday’s appearance on MuchMusic’s MuchOnDemand…

Photo: Closeup of me playing accordion at the MuchMusic studios for the show 'MuchOnDemand'. They captioned me as 'JOEY: ACCORDIAN GUY'.

They haven’t given an accordion player this much live airtime since Weird Al. I’m kicking into the first few bars of Britney Spears’ Baby One More Time in this shot. By the way, it’s spelled “AccordiOn”, not “AccordiAn”

Photo: Opening shot of my MuchMusic appearance, with Rainbow Sun Francks, Rick Camapanelli, me and Jen Hollett.

The establishing shot. My appearance was ten minutes into the show, after the second commercial break, with VJ Rainbow Sun Francks (in character as a cross between Homey the Clown and Tony Soprano) doing the into. Pictured from left to right: Rainbow, VJ Rick Camapanelli, Yours Truly, VJ Jen Hollett. In the background, my screaming teenage fans.
Photo: On-air interview with Rick, me and Jen.

“I leave polka to the experts.” A quick interview with Rick and Jen before we let the audience choose what number I’ll play.

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