That’s the title of one of the articles in the current edition of Cosmopolitan, which I saw yesterday while grocery shopping:
Given that Cosmo comes from the pop culture machine that reinforces the notions that politeness is wimpy, dickery is the same thing as assertiveness and Grey’s Anatomy is good television, I suspect the article might be better titled Give Me What I Want or I Will Create a Commotion that will Demean Us All.
Related Reading
Back in March, I posted another article based on a Cosmo article title. This one involved use of the word “vajayjay” (you know, that new slang term for “a lady’s nethers”).
One reply on ““How to be Just Bitchy Enough””
I understand what they’re trying to do with “bitchy enough”. I’ve tried before to get something done by asking nicely. It didn’t work. I had to stop being nice to get it done. I had to be a bitch–not a super-bitch, mind you, but a bitch all the same.