
A little inspiration for your weekend

Jeremiah, a fellow GTABlogger and Filipino dude over at Triple Double You has a list of 101 things he’s promised to do in the next 1001 days. You might want to consider making a list like his for yourself. The process of even trying to think of 101 things you must do could be life-changing.

If I speak in generalities, I can cut the size of my own list down to these items:

1. Use my powers for good, not evil.

2. Fall in love.

3. Live interestingly, well, happily and with a purpose. Or, as the soul of Billy Idol now living in Philippe the otter would say, “Exist as a mixture of sexiness and danger”.

4. Finally learn to play Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit and that really difficult organ riff from The Doors’ Light My Fire (warning: cheesy MIDI file) on accordion.

Everything else is gravy.

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