One year ago yesterday, I made my first posting on The Adventures of AccordionGuy in the 21st Century. It wasn’t anything big or ground-breaking:
First Post!
This is the very first posting to The Adventures of AccordionGuy in the 21st Century. I won’t report anything right now, other than that this blog is now up and running.
Since then, a lot of crazy things have happened, and the bloggable ones have all been documented here — go flip through the archives if you have some time to kill.
Much love to all of you for reading all my self-indulgent silliness as well as everyone who wrote in and said they loved the blog, and to everyone who linked to me (especially Cory Doctorow, the best damned unofficial publicist I’ve ever had).
I was going to create a giant list of my personal favourite postings, but since I have to continue my job hunt, I thought I’d do something simpler. In honour of this blog turning one, I thought I’d simply celebrate it with my other favourite one-year-old, my nephew and godson, Aidan William deVilla-Choi.