In the 2000 British comedy film Kevin and Perry Go Large, the antagonist is one “DJ Eyeball Paul”, who does vodka shots via his eye in order to get the alcoholic buzz as quickly as possible. I remember laughing at this gag when I saw the movie, but never thought people would actually try it.
Apparently, they are. According to a report in the Brit tabloid Metro, students have been tipping vodka into their eyes.
“Relax,” you might say, “it’s a tabloid. The story’s probably fake.”
A quick search on YouTube proves that this is not the case; I got over 500 results using the search term “eye vodka”, and a quick perusal of the results pages confirms that most of them feature people actually doing eye vodka shots. Here’s one:
Keep in mind these videos feature only those people who chose to record their eye vodka hijinks and then post them to YouTube. I have no doubt that there are many more eye vodka shot incidents that go mercifully undocumented.
I have no idea how those kids do it. I don’t even like taking eye drops.
2 replies on “Vodka Shots in the Eye? Really?”
A couple friends of mine back in the proverbial day used to snort the head off a beer thinking it would get them drunk faster.
[…] few years ago, dropping shots of vodka directly into your eyes was the allegedly go-to way to get an instant buzz on. Today’s kids are a bit more […]