
The L.A. Times sure is excited about McDonald’s Canada’s new poutine

mcdonalds poutine

Poutine — the tasty Quebec snack treat made of fries, cheese curds and gravy — has been available at Canadian Burger King branches for some time, but has only been very recently introduced by McDonald’s (or as I like to call it, “Raunchy Ron’s”). The L.A. Times devoted a quick little piece to the event, in that why-don’t-we-get-this-here sort of voice. McDonald’s could make a killing if they opened a “McWorld” restaurant in the U.S. that carried special McItems localized for other countries, such as India’s Maharaja Mac, the Philippines’ Burger McDo or McSpaghetti, Israel’s McShawarma, or Canada’s new McPoutine.

McDonald’s poutine is likely to be better than their McLobster sandwich experiment from earlier this year, and at least one Canadian says they’re good:

One reply on “The L.A. Times sure is excited about McDonald’s Canada’s new poutine”

I had them yesterday. Salted MdD’s shoestring fries cooked with their usual lack of quality covered in watery light brown “gravy” with teeny flavorless white things do not count as Pouting. It’s closer to what you get out of the Grease Traps than anything else 😛

At least the “poo” part is right 😉

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