
My day (and Tweets) at the Florida Signature Bridal Affair

I spent most of Sunday afternoon at the “Ray Jay” — Tampa’s Raymond James Stadium

raymond james stadium

…but it wasn’t to watch a football game. Instead, I went to attend an event run by an industry that’s even more into shameless profiteering than the NFL. I went — of my own free will — to the Florida Signature Bridal Affair.

florida signature bridal affair

For most guys, an event of this sort would elicit this sort of response:

I decided to tag along with the Future Missus partly because marriage is a team sport, and partly out of a sense of morbid curiosity. Besides, this whole uprooting-from-Toronto-and-moving-to-Tampa thing has been a big exercise in getting out of my comfort zone; what’s an afternoon excursion compared to that?

I decided to make the most of my time in the Heart of Brideness and tweets my observations from the event. It made the time pass considerably more quickly, and I hope you find them amusing!


Damned autocorrect. The quote should be “if he thinks he’s going to Vegas with his buddies, he’s got another thing comin’.”

In case you don’t get the reference above:


You know what this centerpiece says to me? Golf widow.

golf widow


For reference, here are the iPhone 5C colors:

iphone 5c


The MC actually said “Where’s Amanda Ball? I need Amanda Ball, people!”



peach to nectarine

I wrapped up the event on a high note:

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