
Ashley and Turner Need Your Assistance

Ashley Bristowe, an
old friend of mine from Crazy Go Nuts University, whose wedding
to Chris “Turner”
my fellow DJ at Clark Hall Pub I attended with The Redhead in January, has
two requests for assistance. If you can help, drop me a line or leave a
note in the comments.

One: Planet Simpson

If you’ve ever read the late great Shift magazine or hit its site,
you’ve probably read a Chris Turner article — Chris was one of the
reasons you should’ve been reading Shift. He has a book coming out that
should be of interest to this weblog’s readers: Planet Simpson : How a Cartoon Masterpiece Documented an Era and Defined a Generation.

Ashley will be editing the book’s blog, where
there’ll be a “buy the book” button you can click to buy the book.
Chris would prefer to avoid the whole Amazon/Barnes and
Noble/Chapters-Indigo track and have the button link to an indie
bookseller in your area (for example, in western Canada it’ll be McNally Robinson).
She wants to know if there’s an independent American bookseller who sells book online. Anyone know of one?

Two: Accordion City Accomodations

Chris and Ashley are coming to Accordion City for a month and need a place to crash. Here’s what they’re hoping for, classified-ad style, in Chris’ own words:

Easy-going, trustworthy professional
couple plus gentle English Setter seek house or apartment in downtown
Toronto for the period of (roughly) July 15
to August 20. Willing to housesit, sublet, talk to plants and/or tend
gardens (plus monetary compensation — rent, that is — if necessary).
Willing also to steam-vac carpets and furniture if English Setter is of
any concern. Able to trade for one month’s stay in cozy Calgary home
w/in walking distance of Stampede grounds and/or weekend in Nakusp, BC,
at Strawberry Hill Lodge. References available upon request.

English setter? When did they get a dog?

If you can help, drop me a line or leave a comment.

6 replies on “Ashley and Turner Need Your Assistance”

Sounds like a job for Powell’s City of Books (based in Portland, OR).
They’re definitely independent, and I don’t see anything obviously Amazonian about the shopping cart. They seem to have their own partner program, too.
If you ever go to Portland, Powell’s is a head rush for the booklover.

I second Powell’s. Best selection of used books I’ve encountered on the web, too.

that article in Shift was one of the most ridiculous pieces of crap in the universe. How did he expand that blather into a book?

that article in Shift was one of the most ridiculous pieces of crap in the universe. How did he expand that blather into a book?
It’s a fascinating story, actually, blamb, and it begins with listening to the advice of editors at prominent publishing houses in Canada, the U.S. and the U.K., instead of the glib one-line dismissals of flamebaiters in the comments section of the blogs of friends of mine.
As for the rest of you, thanks for the indie-bookseller advice. Much appreciated. Looks like the accomodations situation has been settled, but thanks for spreading the word anyway, Joey.
Oh, and FYI, we got our dear English Setter last fall. Her name’s Pony. We didn’t include her in the wedding festivities because we didn’t want to be upstaged.
— Turner

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