It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Fun at the Festival of Beer

“Hey, Joey,” said my coworker Kim, “wanna come to the Beer Festival?”

And hence this morning’s slightly pasty mouth. Last night was the opening night of the annual Toronto Festival of Beer, which  takes place all weekend at Historic Fort York.
Beer companies both large and small showcase their beers their at very
reasonable prices: $1 for a 4-ounce sample or “half-order”, $2 for 8
ounces or a “full”.

Here’s a little tidbit of useful information: when you first enter the
Festival, you’re given a glass that you keep for the stay and use for
the beer you’re served. Always order the half-order.
The beer servers are quite generous and alway overpour the 4-ounce
servings, but the laws of physics prevent them from pouring anything
more than the full glass.

It was a lovely evening of booze-soaked merriment, and I managed to get a few snapshots which I posted. You can view them in photo album or slideshow form.

Here are a couple of samples:

“Thank you, Giant Beer!” My coworker Greg and I make friends with an anthropomorphic Guinness.

“Hey, baby, what shay you and meeeee go shomeplashe quiet?” Darryl finds his one true love.

One reply on “Fun at the Festival of Beer”

It was nice running into you, though sorry Brent and I were so boring. We had just arrived and were looking around for my coworker Craig (who you met), so I felt a little bit awkward. Thanks for hanging around with us for a few minutes, though!

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