Joey deVilla, a.k.a. the Accordion Guy

Joey deVilla…
- is the Thrilla from Manila
- is married to a lovely lady and lives in Tampa
- used to live in Toronto
- is a Senior Developer Advocate at Auth0 by Okta
- used to be:
- a mobile app developer at Lilypad, which is part of Fintech
- the Lead Product Manager at Sourcetoad
- the Platform Evangelist at SMARTRAC
- the Platform Evangelist at GSG
- the CTO for Comprehensive Technology Solutions, also known as Define Mobility,
- the Platform Evangelist for Shopify
- a Developer Evangelist for Microsoft
- the Nerd Wrangler at b5media
- a Senior Developer at Toronto’s worst-run startup
- Technical Evangelist at Tucows
- Supreme Developer at his one-man consulting company, His Own Bad Self
- Director of Developer Relations at OpenCola
- Chief Programmer at datapanik software systems
- Chief Programmer at Mackerel Interactive Multimedia
- plays rock and roll accordion
- looks like Harold, grooves like Kumar
- functions in disaster, finishes in style
Contact Me

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21 replies on “About Joey deVilla”
[…] recommend to those folks who have also just joined Club Sacked that they head on over to read Joey deVilla’s post about getting terminated. Believe me, you will feel better afterward, I know I did. […]
[…] using OneNote as my note-taking tool). I’ll even bring the accordion for apres-conference fun. The “About” page of this blog has my contact information. This entry was written by Joey deVilla and posted on November 15, […]
[…] one that most definitely stood out for all of us was Joey deVilla. A Developer Evangelist for Microsoft Canada, Joey regaled us with some sweet, sweet music on his […]
I love it.
And in yet another universe, I wear underpants on the outside, play bass guitar in your accordion rock band, and am married to Giselle.
The link to your wife’s site seems to be broken: I’m getting a “DNS error” from Chrome and failing to search out an alternative. There is a “Ginger Ninja” blog here, but that’s a bloke named “John” from Essex
Gentalman:someone who knows how to play the accordion but doesn’t
[…] (Microsoft)Marc-André Lanciault talked on a panel along with two Microsoft executives — Joey Devilla and Arun Kirupananthan — who stated that open source is (quote) “an opportunity” […]
[…] 10:10 I just realized that the weirdo who walked in with an accordian strapped to his back was the accordion guy Joey Devilla via […]
[…] Joey deVilla posted the image below on his blog, The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century. It’s a satirical look at the organisational structures of six of the big tech companies, Apple, Amazon, FaceBook, Microsoft, Oracle and Google. Certainly it made me smile as I looked through each of them, in the context of information I read every day about the leadership and management styles of each of these companies. […]
Hey Joey, I just found your blog through a google image search. I’d love to get e-mail updates–do you do that? Looking forward to reading, thanks!
[…] one that most definitely stood out for all of us was Joey deVilla. A Developer Evangelist for Microsoft Canada, Joey regaled us with some sweet, sweet music on his […]
Happy Halloween / JD Birthday Mix
If only there was an infinite number of universes…
[…] all blame at the feet of Tech Evangelist, Internet Nerd Legend and motivational blogger, Joey deVilla, I recently lost the game once […]
As one accordion player to another. Anyone who plays rock n roll accordion is tops in my books
My (ex-) wife strapped an accordion to my back and played a Buddy Holly song for our First Dance at our wedding reception.
I just had to laugh. Such an amazing statement!
I like the site! For “all you accordion fans out there”, I think: Actor, Leonard Nimoy had a talk with his uncle, maybe in the 1940s or 1950s. His uncle gave him this advice: Learn to play the accordion. If you learn to play the accordion, , you’ll always be able to find work. [Maybe it’s just me, but I’m glad that Leonard Nimoy made himself a success in films, instead]. : )
Saw your description of self – thought you should read “RedShorts” by Scalzi – it’s that story of what happens when your life really is a TV show somewhere else.
Accordion joke: Accordion guy coming home from a gig needs to stop for cigs in a bad neighborhood. Stops at store, locks car, glances nervously at his squeezebox in the back seat, goes in store. Comes back out with cigs, sees rear window of car smashed. Heart sinks. Opens door to car & sees his accordion, plus another, in back seat.
Holiday flow chart is clever and I totally agree, but please give Mr. Lieberman a dictionary to read the definitions of “agoraphobic” and “agnostic” and possibly switch those words in his otherwise spot on sentiment!