In today’s world of Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming services, Heat Vision and Jack would have found a home and…
The Trump/Pence campaign — that’s right, they want another four years to make an even bigger mess — don’t want you…
Tap the image to see it at full size. Thanks to Jason Amburgey for the find!
Not familiar with the thought experiment known as the Trolley Problem? Here’s an explainer: For the longest time, the Trolley…
On March 16th, former Texas Congressman, libertarian, and America’s worst Ayn Rand fan (which puts him up against a lot…
It happened last night — a social distancing sing-along in the spirit of the ones they’ve been doing in Italy!…
So this just happened: I was practicing accordion on the porch, and my neighbor Susan suggested a social distancing sing-along.…
#ResilientTPA is a hashtag that Taylor Ralph, founder of REAL Building Consultants and all-round civic-minded guy, came up with. It’s…