“Why hello, ladies!”

5 years ago

Thanks to Mike van de Water for the find!

“Heat Vision and Jack”, the Jack Black/Owen Wilson show that could’ve been

5 years ago

In today’s world of Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming services, Heat Vision and Jack would have found a home and…

“Exponential Threat”: The COVID-19-themed ad that the Trump/Pence campaign doesn’t want you to see

5 years ago

The Trump/Pence campaign — that’s right, they want another four years to make an even bigger mess — don’t want you…

Even Darth Vader practices social distancing

5 years ago

Tap the image to see it at full size. Thanks to Jason Amburgey for the find!

The “Trolley Problem“, 2020 edition

5 years ago

Not familiar with the thought experiment known as the Trolley Problem? Here’s an explainer: For the longest time, the Trolley…

Which COVID-19 quarantiner are you?

5 years ago

I’m definitely the guy in the upper center.

Why are Ron Paul and Rand Paul still a thing? (And Ayn Rand, for that matter?)

5 years ago

On March 16th, former Texas Congressman, libertarian, and America’s worst Ayn Rand fan (which puts him up against a lot…

Last night’s Seminole Heights social distancing sing-along

5 years ago

It happened last night — a social distancing sing-along in the spirit of the ones they’ve been doing in Italy!…

Sing-along on our corner, tonight at 7 / A failed German attempt at an Italian-style balcony sing-along

5 years ago

So this just happened: I was practicing accordion on the porch, and my neighbor Susan suggested a social distancing sing-along.…

#ResilientTPA: Help out Rooster and the Till, Nebraska Mini Mart, and Gallito by ordering from Rooster Redux!

5 years ago

#ResilientTPA is a hashtag that Taylor Ralph, founder of REAL Building Consultants and all-round civic-minded guy, came up with. It’s…