Because we need to savor even the smallest of victories in this trying time…

5 years ago

...I installed the new toilet handle in about a minute, and it works like a charm. See the previous post,…

My COVID-19 racism moment

5 years ago

So this happened this afternoon at home: It turns out that the toilet flush handle wasn’t a single metal piece,…

Postcard of the day

5 years ago

I bought this postcard at a funky café in Washington D.C. a couple of years ago and just found it…

“Airplane!” meets COVID-19

5 years ago

Thanks to Tracy Ingram for the find!

Getting the job done at the porch office

5 years ago

I’m doing my part to fight COVID-19 by practicing social distancing, as recommended by the public health specialist I trust…

Toss some thanks to my sister (or: Dr. Eileen de Villa: Helping Toronto fight COVID-19)

5 years ago

I get lots of kind words from both friends and strangers from my former hometown of Toronto about my sister,…

The power of social distancing against the COVID-19 coronavirus, explained with a single photo

5 years ago

This photo has only just begun to make the internet rounds, but it’s pretty powerful. Share it far and wide!

Solving social distancing in Sicily with squeezeboxes!

5 years ago

Even though people are confined to their homes in Sicily, it appears that people there have worked out ways to…