The funniest veterinarian training video you’ll ever see features a human playing a fractious cat

5 years ago

If you watch only one video today, make sure it’s this one: Veterinary Technician Training: Handling a Fractious Cat, which…

Being 28, then and now

5 years ago

Click the comic to see it at full size. Thanks to Carl Catron for the find!

Once you defeat all the other craft beer drinkers…

5 years ago

This is also the final boss at the artisanal coffeehouse.

My “American Chopper” experience at the self-service checkout today

5 years ago

This is pretty much what happened to me at the grocery this afternoon: In case you don’t get what the…

Cryptic announcement of the day

5 years ago

Details to follow.

Hurricane Dorian post #3: My favorite hurricane tip

5 years ago

This is from a Facebook group called Hurricane Dorian Safety Check-In. Look very carefully at the photo...

Hurricane Dorian post #2: Florida Man stocks up on fuel for the hurricane

5 years ago

In case it’s not screamingly obvious to you: Please, for the love of not getting “blowed up reeeeeal good,” don’t…

The updated history of accordion jokes in “Garfield”

5 years ago

Garfield has a long history of accordion jokes. Here’s the one from today, Thursday, August 18, 2019: Thanks to Mike…

If Neil DeGrasse Tyson was on “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine”, and the difference between being factual and helpful

5 years ago

Thanks to Star Trek Shitposting for the find! In case you don’t get the joke, it’s a response to a…