Presidential scandals, 4 years ago and now

6 years ago

Four years ago this week, conservative pundits lost their minds over the fact that Barack Obama saluted two marines while…

The Jordan Peterson meme of the day

6 years ago

I’m trying to listen to the audiobook version of Peterson’s book, 12 Rules for Life, but I need to take…

“Sink Zero” and other ways to rebrand household chores so that nerds are better at keeping a clean house

6 years ago

You’ve probably heard of “inbox zero”, but have you heard of “sink zero”? It’s an idea that got spread about…

Hey, New York Magazine: You don’t promote democracy by siding with dictators

6 years ago

A screenshot of the original version of the article. Click to see the Google cache of the article. The original…

I believe the word you’re looking for is “cookie”

6 years ago

Found via You Had One Job. Click to see the source. This may be a sign that we’ve hit peak…

A proposed fix to the headline of that recent anonymous op-ed about the Trump administration in the New York Times

6 years ago

Also worth reading: Jessica Roy in the L.A. Times — No, anonymous Trump official, you're not 'part of the resistance.'…

Anil Polat’s regularly-updated map of airport lounge wifi passwords

6 years ago

If you spend a lot of time in airports, you’ll want to either bookmark this page or get the WiFox…

Apparently the diabetes fairy visited the office last night

6 years ago

Click the photo to see “sugarpalooza” at full size. I didn’t even know there was a such a thing as…