Meme of the day

6 years ago

Click the Elon Musk cult of what-passes-for-personality-in-Silicon-Valley image to see it at full size. For more, see this Fast Company…

Sign of the day: “Don’t blame immigrants for your shitty life”

6 years ago

Photo from The Guardian US’ Jason Wilson. Click the photo to see it at full size. There’s a combined Patriot…

Scott Adams meets the ultimate pointy-haired boss, and what you can learn from him

6 years ago

Dilbert creator and for-profit troll Scott Adams tweeted this evening: This was my reply: If you read only one article…

Tomi Lahren is terrible, and it’s a good thing we have J.K. Rowling to counter her

6 years ago

You may need a lot of ointment for that burn, Tomi. Oh, Tomi. That’s even more embarrassing than being a…

Another semi-regular reminder to double-check your work

6 years ago

Here’s a (now-deleted) tweet that the White House put out on Friday: The bigger you are, and the bigger your…

Hey, Bay News 9! I fixed the headline of your non-news story for you.

6 years ago

Here’s the original: Click the photo to see the source. And here’s my improvement:

Coming soon to a book store near you!

6 years ago

Thanks to Charles G. Watson for the find!

A hitherto undiscovered flavor

6 years ago

Click the photo to see it at full size A Cheetos-flavored slushie? That’s new to me.

Your rapper name is…

6 years ago

YO, LIL’ CHICKEN-CHEESE EMPANADA IN THA HIZZAY! Thanks to Meryle for the find!