Happy Thanksgiving 2017!

7 years ago

Click the comic to see the source. The turkey isn’t referred to as “India” in Turkey alone; the Polish do…

If you need a reason to be FOR net neutrality, just look at who’s AGAINST it

7 years ago

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, chances are that you’ve seen a lot of arguments made by well-known,…

Anime scene of the day

7 years ago

Found via a Twitter account called “out of context animeeeeeeeeeeeee”. Given the way a lot of anime storylines go, I…

Navy apologizes for “dongtrails” drawn with one of their airplanes

7 years ago

It sounds like a plot point from a movie titled American Pie: The Naval Academy Years, but it actually happened…

I like these new honest instructions on soup cans

7 years ago

This isn’t real, but it should be.

“A Christmas Story”, 2017 edition

7 years ago

This photoshoppery would work equally well with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in Trump’s place.

Dessert hummus is proof that we live in an age of wonders

7 years ago

While grocery shopping at Publix earlier this week, I noticed something odd on the packaging in the hummus fridge: the…

Here’s where the “I” in “team” can be found

7 years ago

If you’ve ever worked on a team with one or more a-holes, you know this is true.

The correct Hawaiian pizza-to-pineapple ratio

7 years ago

Thank you, fellow Canadian Sam Panopoulos, for this wonderful culinary invention.