Right on schedule, someone writes a “They’re no angel” story about the United Airlines victim [Updated]

7 years ago

Update (April 11, 2017, 6:20 p.m. EDT): That beeping sound you’re hearing? That’s the sound of the Courier-Journal backing up and…

Coming soon to United Airlines’ safety cards

7 years ago

Click the image to see it at full size.

Coming soon to United Airlines’ website

7 years ago

 Click the image to see it at full size. Click the image to see it at full size.

Need some motivation? Batman’s here to help.

7 years ago

If you’re running into setbacks and need a little inspiration, here’s one from comic book writer Tom King, who says…

The new “Tampa Together” video needs some love!

7 years ago

The city of Tampa’s new Tampa Together video does feature a lot of Mayor Bob Buckhorn tooting his own horn*, but…

The best circumcision ad ever comes from the Philippines and features Wolverine!

7 years ago

“I’m the best at what I do, and what I do isn’t very nice.”Click the photo to see the badassery…

I want this: A “mechanical bull” for the pool!

7 years ago

Yeah, it’s not technically a “mechanical bull” since it’s people-powered, but you it’s the term a lot of people use…

Job search tactics of the well-connected and weasel-y

7 years ago

I’ve always believed that the best way to land a job is to have and use connections, but Andrew Bowen has…

The incredibly strange story of the creepy Canadian journalist who tried to breastfeed a stranger’s baby at a party

8 years ago

A number of American friends have asked to me to explain the recent “breastfeeding journalist” incident that took place in…

A most intriguing bumper sticker

8 years ago

Yesterday, while driving to host Tampa iOS Meetup, I saw a bumper sticker that caught my attention and hasn’t yet…