Hey America, you’re great!

8 years ago

Yours Truly, stopping to admire the West Virginia scenery while moving to Tampa (and yes, I still own that jacket).…

How I spent my weekend

8 years ago

Leading the group in a rousing chorus of the Engineering Hymn. Click the photo to see it at full size.…

Florida of the day: Rock you like a hurricane!

8 years ago

When Hurricane Matthew rolled through and over Jacksonville, Florida, rocker Lane Pittman didn't evacuate like a lightweight or cower in…

Sign of the day

8 years ago

You're asking for a lot there, sign.

The first 2016 U.S. presidential debate, in a nutshell

8 years ago

Found via @HouseOfSpam. Click to see the source. “Looks like I picked the wrong election to quit sniffing glue!” And…

Two reasons to watch John Oliver comparing Hilary Clinton’s and Donald Trump’s scandals

8 years ago

Last Week Tonight host John Oliver and Brett Lamb's illustration. The two reasons are: It does a very good job…

Florida of the day: Now boarding…

8 years ago

Last week, the first day of fall took place, which means the start of both cooler weather and the annual migration…

Happy first day of fall from Florida!

8 years ago

I came back home to my our air conditioner had broken down while we were away. For this to happen…

The workplace

8 years ago

Click the photo to see it at full size. Here's the desk at my home office, as of 7:50 a.m..…

The Box of Torment

8 years ago

This damned thing is a dozen paces from my window and has been going BEEP BEEP BEEP since 7:30 this…