Dating, then and now

8 years ago

Geez, Dad, way to ruin the family dinner mood. Comic panel taken from Deadpool, issue 45.

Pranksters con Burger King employees into smashing their storefront windows to “prevent explosion”

8 years ago

Back in my university days, I once freaked out some scientifically illiterate hippie friends by telling them that bubble wrap…

Jedi training sucks

8 years ago

Photo from Mark Hamill's Instagram. Click to see the source. "I'm sure Master Yoda was a lot easier to piggyback…

Florida of the day: “Diabetes here I come”

8 years ago

You don't have to be the Governor of Florida to have an uncomfortable Starbucks moment, as an unidentified customer in…

Florida of the Day: The Governor punches down, releasing an attack ad against a private citizen for yelling at him at Starbucks

8 years ago

Yup, that's an actual, undoctored photo of Florida Governor Rick Scott. On Tuesday, April 5th, Florida Governor Rick Scott stepped…

T-shirt of the day

8 years ago

Photo by Violet Blue, found via Joi Ito. Last week, Mossack Fonseca was a name unknown to most people who…

The sound financial advice hidden in plain sight in an “Onion” article

8 years ago

The Onion may have been playing it up for laughs when they wrote the article titled Billionaire Reading Name In…

It never occurred to me

8 years ago

Found via TJ Fixman. Click the photo to see the source.

Mark Hamill, Florida Man

8 years ago

Seriously, it's hard to tell the difference between the guy above and the guys in the video below...

Urban vs. suburban vs. rural

8 years ago

Found via imgur. Click the photo to see the source. ...and if you're standing naked on your front porch and…