How NOT to dress for your manatee sport-humping court date

10 years ago

The video above is a copy of one shot last year and posted on Facebook. It stars Taylor Blake Martin, age…

Gerard Butler has a new catchphrase

10 years ago

We can't all take off enough time to hit the gym hard enough to develop the physique he sported for…

The Ontario post-election campaign poster you didn’t know you wanted

10 years ago

Feel free to spread it far and wide. For those of you outside Ontario, the central plank of Tim Hudak's…

My week in Charleston

10 years ago

Happy Juneteenth, Gentle Reader! Last week, I tagged along with Anitra to Charleston. She was there to attend the GIANT conference,…

Kim Jong-Un looks like a 1960s Bond villain in his rusty green sub

10 years ago

"Set course for the island of Dr. No!" With the old-school appearance of the submarine designed in the 1950s, the blue-green…

Today on Salon: Two smug bearded preppies take time off from their Saturday shopping at The Gap to write “pro” and “con” pieces on libertarianism

10 years ago

Smug Button-Down Preppie, pictured below, is using the "No True Galt" debate tactic in his defense of Libertarianism... Click Smug…

Pill-swallowing spray: Another product I didn’t know existed

10 years ago

Hot on the heels of learning that manga eye makeup existed, I stumbled into this product while picking up groceries…

What the accordion player saw

10 years ago

And now, some photos yanked from my "random snaps" collection on my iPhone that I shot this week. I love seeing…

If you’re an eligible Ontario voter, vote!

10 years ago

It was a bad PR move for a member of the Liberal Party of Ontario to use this in their campaign…