We’ve just come from a “hot glass date” at Susan Gott’s glass workshop, which is conveniently located in our neighborhood,…
Tap to view at full size. The photo and question above are taken from everyone’s favorite suburban white flight and…
Last year, I heard about a painting by Jonathan Harris, titled Critical Race Theory, pictured below: It depicts Black people,…
I’ve been listening to old school all morning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35FpVR-vnac
There’s plenty more of this at Florida Man Comics’ site! As far as I’m concerned, every day is National Florida…
The rabbit is giving the traditional Lunar New Year greeting,which translates to “congratulations and good luck.” It’s another Lunar New…
Tap to view at full size. It has a certain hand-made charm, doesn’t it?
Tap to view at full size. I got the mask for an upcoming fundraiser gala for the Glazer Children’s Museum,…