Music Hack Day is Coming to Toronto – August 10th and 11th!

11 years ago

Music Hack Day is coming to Toronto on Saturday, August 10th and Sunday, August 11th! An event that's taken place in…

Patio Friday at The Pilot

11 years ago

Once again, it's summer (although the weather may not agree), and it's Friday, which means it's Patio Friday in Toronto!…

Ayn Rand, Fictitious and Real, on Pop Culture

11 years ago

Fictitious Ayn Rand on Pop Culture In the current edition of the New Yorker, John "I'm a PC" Hodgman takes…

Me vs. the Eldredge Tie Knot

11 years ago

Even though I think that the Eldredge Tie Knot announces to the world that you're trying too hard, I've given…

The Clever Promo for Broadcasts of Whitehorse’s City Council Meetings

11 years ago

What happened when the production team at a local cable TV channel in Whitehorse was told "hey, you've got to make…

Call Me Crazy, But This Guy May Have Photoshopped Some Muscles into His Dating Profile Picture

11 years ago

Either that, or he's found an exercise that gives you the elusive ten-pack, or "metric abs"! This and many other…

This Morning’s Ride

11 years ago

I spend most of my days working for a client in the Bloor and Sherbourne area, which makes for a…

Easy Listening: The Full “Picking Up Girls Made Easy” Album

11 years ago

If you read National Lampoon back in the 1970s and '80s, you probably saw ad like the one below near…

Meanwhile, in Japan… (or: The Land of the Rising Men’s Bra)

11 years ago

A Bra for Dudes Back when I worked at Shopify, I racked my brains trying to think up an idea for…