Freshly Shorn (or: The Strangest Question a Stylist Has Asked Me)

11 years ago

I got my hair cut this afternoon, and they did a nice job. There was something odd, though. When the…

“But Officer, They’re Smoking Marijuana!” (or: The Guy Who Tried to Ruin 4/20)

11 years ago

The guy who shot this footage and provided the whiny, "I'm telling" voice-over reminds me of this H.L. Mencken definition:…

When Doors Aspire to Become Buddhist Koans

11 years ago

Photo found at

Seen Last Night While Biking Home on Queen Street

11 years ago

There's some interesting scaffolding outside the Gladstone Hotel's Art Bar. Things like this are why I tend to bike whenever…

Jamming on Accordion Last Night at the First After Work Drinks Toronto Party of 2013

11 years ago

Last night, I attended 2013's first After Work Drinks Toronto party, a regular gathering of Accordion City's downtown working folks…

FOX News’ Shepard Smith Can’t Understand Your Crazy Moon Language

11 years ago

While covering yesterday's press conference on the arrest of the suspects involved in the VIA Rail terror plot, FOX News'…

As I Always Say, the Best Place to be at a House Party is in the Kitchen

11 years ago

Click the photo to see it in glorious full size. It's where all the action is.

My Bitcoin Mining Advice

11 years ago

The Story Makes the Rounds My experiment with Bitcoin mining seems to have made the rounds: FARK, Boing Boing and…

Anyone Remember Transvision Vamp?

11 years ago

In response to my posting about the death of Chrissy from The Divinyls, my Google+ friend Johnny Zed remarked: Damn...…