Project Ukelele Gangsterism is Brightening Toronto’s Subway Commute

11 years ago

Toronto's Project Ukelele Gangsterism is a beautiful idea: they're a group of ukelele players who are making surprise performances on…

“Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” on Accordion, at SxSW’s Karaoke Apocalypse 2011 and 2012

11 years ago

Until last night, I had no idea that this video was posted online: it's of me performing AC/DC's Dirty Deeds…

Pardon the Blog Wonkiness

11 years ago

Something's up with my Wordpress installation that's messing with its layout. I'm working on it, but right now, the cause…

You’re Not Making This Easy, Padlock Company

11 years ago

I picked up this padlock earlier today, and here's how it came out of the package: with the keys padlocked.…

“Look for the Helpers”

12 years ago

Something to keep in mind today, whether here in North America, or on the other side of the world. Here's…

Turning 20 This Year: Ren and Stimpy’s “Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen Anthem”

12 years ago

In March 1993, the Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen episode of Ren and Stimpy was aired, giving Canada its fourth national…

How to Mine Bitcoins for Fun and (Probably Very Little) Profit

12 years ago

Thanks to the recent coverage of Bitcoin in the media, a number of non-technical friends have asked me "Hey, dude,…

My OTHER Dream House

12 years ago

Click on the photo to see it at full size. I'm certain there's a "Hot Girls Room" in the back…

Turning 30 This Year: The “Violent Femmes” Album

12 years ago

If you were into alt-rock in the early 1980s and looking for the perfect soundtrack for your teen angst, the…