The Smog in China (or: Every Cloud, Even One Made of Pollution, Has a Silver Lining)

12 years ago

How bad is the smog in China right now? Bad enough to make it difficult to land planes. This bad... But…

Quote of the Day: China’s State-Run News Agency on James Joyce’s “Finnegan’s Wake”

12 years ago

Hungarian artist László Moholy-Nagy's chart showing the psychogeography of Finnegan's Wake. It took eight years to translate James Joyce's Finnegan's…

Life of Parody [Updated]

12 years ago

Life of Pi certainly brings out the comedian in a lot of people.... Update Doug Savage, creator of the webcomic…

A Blast from the Past – Star Wars: Droids

12 years ago

Do you remember this cartoon opening sequence? Take a note of the theme song: it's sung by Stewart Copeland from…

Can’t Touch Him (or: Rob Ford is Still the Mayor of Toronto)

12 years ago

In honour of our Peter Griffin-esque mayor getting off scott-free,here's a video of Peter Griffin getting off scott-free. The "Fordict"…

My Cure for Insomnia: Updating the Hell Out of My LinkedIn Profile

12 years ago

Beware the powerful stare of Captain Crunch. You know what I'm talking about... There's a lot going on today for…

Hilarious, Beautifully-Designed Posters of Creatives’ Clients’ Worst Feedback

12 years ago

While my line of work has been largely software development, technical evangelism and technical consulting, it's often crossed over into…

“You Had ONE Job!”, The Sequel

12 years ago

Following the theme from an earlier post...

The Creation of Bieber

12 years ago

I couldn't stop with the previous picture.

Obama and Reagan

12 years ago

Cue the angry Tea Partier hate mail in 3...2...1...