Baba Yaga’s Little Book of Hut Maintenance

3 years ago

Here’s a treat for those of you who: played Dungeons and Dragons, or grew up with Ukrainian/Russian folk tales’s…

An idea the US might want to adopt

3 years ago

...but as long as there’s this prevailing notion of “We don’t want the lazy or the wrong kind of people…

Florida license plate of the day

3 years ago

This person is truly embracing Florida’s “God’s waiting room” stereotype.

Sign of the day

3 years ago

Some background info: Why Is the Intellectual Dark Web Suddenly Hyping an Unproven COVID Treatment? (Vice, June 24, 2021) The…

Morten’s better ice-breaker: “The Museum Question”

3 years ago

Morten Rand-Hendriksen, whom I met during my time as a Microsoftie, has a brilliant “ice-breaker” question that’s perfect for those…