Nobody’s complaining about vaccine mandates for these people

3 years ago

I’m a “green card” holder — the formal term is “resident alien” — and was required, or as we now…

Tell the kids

3 years ago

Florida of the day: And ye shall know them by their rear windshield decals

3 years ago

Alternate title: Tell me that you don’t know anything about Christianity without saying you don’t know anything about Christianity.

Pumpkin spice brake pads!

3 years ago

It’s the time of year when Ice Cold Air (in Seminole Heights, at the corner of Sligh and Central) puts…

I am that dog

3 years ago

The only change that I might suggest for this comic: reverse the order of the last two panels.

Weekend ritual: Spaddy’s Coffee

3 years ago

I try to do a 10-kilometer (6.2 miles) bike ride every day, but once a weekend, I take a mid-ride…

Playing accordion at the Glazer Children’s Museum Birthday Bash (September 25, 2021)

3 years ago

This was a fun one: The Glazer Children’s Museum celebrated its 11th birthday with a big party at Curtis Hixon…

Scenes from this morning

3 years ago

I manage to start most days with a 10-kilometer (6.2 miles) bike ride, and I usually snap a picture or…