Twitter response of the day

4 years ago

When Ted Cruz tweeted that today’s Dems are the party of the rich, he was hoping that you wouldn’t look…

Tampa’s messed-up intersections

4 years ago

I’ve lived here for almost 7 years (my anniversary will be in March), and I can say I’ve driven across…

Thoughts upon seeing an ad for a “Saturn Devouring His Son” yoga mat

4 years ago

My thoughts, in order: That’s a bit gruesome to bring to yoga class. On second thought, if you wanted to…

Flan Factory: A Tampa Bay small business worth supporting

4 years ago

Here’s a local (if you’re in Tampa) business worth supporting: Flan Factory. There’s no lie on their mural — their…

Happy Thanksgiving!

4 years ago

I hope your Thanksgiving Day turned out better than this cookie design. I think they were going for “turkey” but…

Sausage Cat is my new role model

4 years ago

When people look at me, I want them to think “That cat knows what he is, and what he wants.”