Recipe of the day

7 months ago

There’s still time!

7 months ago

Photo from the WEIRD TORONTO Facebook group. Happy Valentine’s Day, gentlemen. This is a reminder that it’s not too late!…

The best use of the “Stop Doing X” meme format

7 months ago

Most of the “Stop Doing X” memes are meant to be nonsensical, but Stop Doing Offices is different. Every point…

My proposal for the next “superb owl”

7 months ago

I’ll call the event by its real name, but the NFL sues bloggers who use it. But wouldn’t it be…

What they really mean

9 months ago

This is from a few years back, but it still holds true (and cartoonist Jen Sorensen’s depiction of the lecturer’s…

When someone tells you we’ve never been so divided…

9 months ago them this picture and remind them that there are terrible people who wouldn’t mind seeing this come back.

Back to work!

9 months ago

Steamboat Willie’s trolley problem

9 months ago

The Steamboat Willie version of Mickey Mouse has moved into the public domain, so why not the philosophical domain as…