Terrible People Tuesday, part four: Michael Lofthouse, the “trickle-down Trump” racist who harassed a family at a restaurant for being Asian

5 years ago

The restaurant rant Jordan Chan, a Filipina, was celebrating her aunt Mari Orosa’s birthday on the 4th of July weekend…

Terrible People Tuesday, part three: Atlas Grifted (or: The Ayn Rand Institute took a government PPP handout)

5 years ago

Among the organizations to accept a loan from the government-run, taxpayer-funded Paycheck Protection Program (a.k.a. the PPP) is none other…

Terrible People Tuesday, part one: Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, caught the ’rona

5 years ago

The supremely right-wing and autocratic (and hence, bosom buddies with Trump) president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, announced that he has…

All my sins remembered: Playing accordion at SxSW 2008

5 years ago

I’ve had many great first weeks on the job, but this first week on the job had a particularly unfair…

I will do anything for my country…but I won’t do THAT

5 years ago

Big, grandiose, hypothetical gestures? Oh yeah. Small, practical, proven measures? HELL NAW! (And will someone make those “PEE PEE POO…

Burned on the 4th of July (or: Your annual reminder about fireworks safety)

5 years ago

With most fireworks displayed canceled due to the pandemic, there will be more than the usual number of people lighting…