Happy 4th of July from Florida! (But c’mon, dude — be a gent and take the backpack.) Thanks to David…
This is a 23-image Facebook find, and you need to read it all. Trust me on this one.
And is there a better way to mark Canada Day than by watching Stewart “Brittlestar” Reynolds’ YouTube classic, Explaining Canada…
The public library of Temple Terrace (a Tampa neighborhood just a little north of Seminole Heights, where I live) had…
The McCloskeys are the comedy gift that keeps on giving. Thanks to Alistair Morton for the find!
Need context? See the previous article. The image of the McCloskeys above matches the imagery in the video for the…
Need context? I’ve got your context right here: St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Couple points guns at protesters marching to St. Louis…