Since 1981, the American conservative think tank known as the Heritage Foundation — imagine decade-old mayonnaise in human form — have released… In my dream last night, I heard a song I haven’t listened to in ages: The Dead Next Door,…
I disagree with hustle huckster Gary Vaynerchuk on a whole lot of things, but I do agree with him on…
Marc Canter (founder of MacroMind, which became Macromedia, which made Macromedia Director, the dev tool I used at my very…
As Murphy’s Law would have it, moments after posting yesterday that I hadn’t yet put away our generator just in…
Here’s “Lil’ Red,” a generator we bought from a friend of the family a few years back, which I have…
What happened? Here are some news accounts: NBC News: Trump's bizarre music session reignites questions about his mental acuity New…